IPC Societies

Information about other African national Infection Prevention and Control societies. Each society listed is affiliated with ICAN.


Associated National IPC Societies

Infection Prevention and Control Association of Cameroon

Tambo Ajong Cletus

Formed on the 16th July 2016 and approved by Cameroon government on the 17th Sept. 2019 with registration No.61/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS. Number of members 62. Number registered with ICAN 2018 was 16 and in 2020 was 15(fee still to be sent to ICAN office by Fin. Sec). Many more have indicated to register in the days ahead.
Work completed:
1. Awareness campaign in Health facilities/ communities on IPC
2. Carried out phase 1 project on IPC practices on COVID-19 through M&E/ Supplies, sponsored by RTSL through ICAN in 2020
3. Training of COVID-19 focal point medical staff in Buea, SWR and Bamenda, NWR of Cameroon, April 2021
4. 2nd Phase of IPC practices on COVID-19 as in (2) above. Project on going (April to December 2021).
5. Carrying on IPC trainings through Webinar on the ECHO platform( started January 2021, ongoing.

1. Promote IP and WASH in HCF, churches, schools etc through awareness campaign on media, trainings or capacity building.
2. Encourage and ensure proper waste management.
3. Promote community health care and support on general nutrition.
4. Assist HCFs in infrastructural design to take care of ventilation and other general IP issues.

Liberia IPC Society

Zainab Sirleaf- Snoh

A team from the Global Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Unit of the World Health Organization Headquarter arrived in Liberia on July 1 2020, to Pilot an Advanced Infection IPC Training. The training targeted National, County and Health Facilities IPC focal persons, as we as UN organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations IPC Leads.

During the feedback session, the idea to strengthen IPC collaboration with the various level of the health system (National, County, District and Health facility) was emphasized. Mr. Garrison Kerwillain, who is now the National IPC Coordinator and Zainab Sirleaf Snoh the present Chair of the Liberia IPC Society Founded the association. The association presently do not have a specific office location due constraints.

The Association has been in existence for over two years and have a membership of fifty-eight (58) persons, 15 county IPC focal persons, 38 health facilities IPC focal persons 4 national IPC focal person and 1 WHO IPC Lead.

Conducts the following activities:

Education and training , Monitoring and feedbacks , Distribution of supplies, participate in scientific conference, support quality improvement projects at health facilities etc.

Mr. Garrison Kerwillain
National IPC Coordinator- MoH

Infection Prevention Network Kenya (IPNET)

Prof. Revathi Gunturu

Infection Prevention Network Kenya was formed in 2009 with a mission to promote patient and health worker safety in the health care setting.
Our objectives as a society are to
1. Raise awareness of IPC issues nationally
2. Educate stakeholders on best IPC practices
3. Provide a forum for regular exchange of information in IPC issues
4. Mentor, train and promote professional development in IPC
5. Offer leadership in emergency preparedness in IPC for emerging and re-emerging diseases.
Currently the society has a total of 198 members drawn from all over the country as well as the region.
– In 2021 IPNET Kenya in partnership with ICAN and the Kenya Ministry of health completed an IPC program focused on Monitoring and Evaluation of IPC training of staff working in 45 primary health care centres in 15 counties in the country.
– IPNET Kenya has played a key role in the development of the Kenya National IPC Policy and guidelines on IPC.
– Currently IPNET together with other partners are running by- weekly webinars on IPC.

As part of our objectives, IPNET provides a platform for health workers of different cadres to share their IPC experiences and to learn from each other. This is done through
1. Annual IPNET conferences
2. Webinars on IPC
3. Holding training workshops and providing CMEs

Malagasy Society of Infection Prevention Control/ Water Sanitation Hygiene (SPIM)

Prof Randria Mamy


The Society was created on 23rd December 2020. It gathered 20 members and 7 members of board The society is a new society ,it has just been created. The general meeting has not yet been developed with the state of health emergency.But the board meeting have already been started for two times. The Association is a legal entity having registered as a Trust in 2014 and has a multi-disciplinary membership totalling 380 from across the country’s ten provinces.

History and aims of the society can be found here

All the projects are still in progress. The society wait for the project of implementation of IPC in Madagascar. We have done e-sensibilization for Covid-19. Roles : Conferences, IPC trainings, sensibilizations

Infection Prevention and Control Association of Malawi

Emmie Jingini


The association was formed and launched in October 2018, then it was named Malawi Infection Prevention and Control Society. In December 2020, the name changed to Infection Prevention and Control Association of Malawi. The association has 86 paid up members. Some members of the association have been involved in capacity building and supportive supervision of health facilities. The association is still in infancy and needs support.

The society does trainings, online updates on infection prevention, conduct supervisions, assessments, promote safe and rational use of antimicrobials, create a network of Infection control experts, and supports the ministry of health in implementation of IPC activities both in the public and private sector.

Nigerian Society for Infection Control (NSIC) 

Dr. Abimbola Sowande



Formed: 1997
Current membership strength: 230

1. We serve as an umbrella body for all infection control units at Federal, State and Community levels in the country.

2. We advocate and promote infection control programmes at all levels in healthcare facilities.

3. We promote public and institutional awareness of infection control.

4. We formulate guidelines on infection control in healthcare practice in Nigeria.

5. We advocate and promote education, training and research in the field of infection prevention and control.

6. We advocate and promote the inclusion of infection control practices into the curricula of medical schools.

7. We advocate and promote the setting up of a reference laboratory for typing organisms from outbreak of infectious diseases.

8. We promote the setting up and training of infection control teams capable of responding rapidly and effectively to epidemics in the country.

9. We disseminate information on the proper use, storage and disposal of bio-hazardous materials.

10. We publish regular scientific information on infection prevention and control.

Infection Control Society of Southern Africa  (ICSSA)

Elizabeth Schoeman

1. The Infection Control Society of Southern Africa (ICSSA) is part of the umbrella organisation, the Federation of Infectious Diseases Societies of Southern Africa (FIDSSA), which consists of several different societies and includes members across the African continent. Each society has its own vision and goals and works independently.

2.ICSSA’s vision is to foster a society where the importance of infection prevention and control (IPC) is actively advocated. All members are respected for their role in IPC, empowered with knowledge and evidence-based tools to influence IPC matters. Our vision involves establishing unified IPC Chapters that expand across Southern Africa, sharing knowledge, experience, and best practices. The Society strives to strengthen IPC programmes allowing rapid responses to IPC threats and outbreaks with the intention to reduce and/or eliminate infections in the community and healthcare settings. The Society aims to be a dependable and easily accessible source of information, providing assistance and guidance on IPC matters, with the goal of making a lasting and positive impact on IPC practices.

The objectives of the Society:

·         Promote education and training of Infection Prevention and Control Practitioners (IPCP) in Infection Control.

·         Support and provide guidance regarding the minimum requirements for infection prevention and control curricula and practice throughout the region.

·         Information dissemination by way of publication, networking, congresses, and scientific meetings.

·         Encouraging multidisciplinary and inter-sectorial participation in infection prevention and control.

·         Participate in research projects.

·         To function as a consultative body in all infection prevention and control matters.

·         Acknowledge and support the different needs within the regions.

·         To establish links with international organizations with similar objectives.

Western Cape Infection Prevention and Control Forum (WCIPC)

Heidi van Reenen

Serves the IPC community in the Western Cape area. 30-40 members attend workshops pre-covid. 

Workshops presented 4x year. Educational aspects and case studies presented. 

Infection Prevention and Control Association of Zimbabwe

Phyllis Manungo

The first interim Executive was established in 1993 by a group of health professionals who were interested in supporting the development of infection control in Zimbabwe. The launch which was officiated by the then Minister of Health and Child Welfare followed in 1993. Several activities covering meetings, workshops, trainings, discussion groups on topical issues, policy formulation etc took place until 2001 when the Association faced viability problems due to the exodus of pioneers. The Association was revived in February 2011 and an interim executive committee was set up. The Association in partnership with the Biomedical Research and Training Institute and Management Sciences for Health in implementing the PEPFAR funded Zimbabwe Infection Prevention and Control Project (October 2011 – September 2016). ICAZ contributed immensely towards the production of the National IPC Guidelines (2013 and the National IPC Policy (2015) all signed by the Permanent Secretary for Health and Child Care. The consortium received further funding from PEPFAR through CDC to implement Healthcare Associated Tuberculosis Infection Prevention Project Zimbabwe (Oct 2016 – September 2019). The Association successfully hosted the 5th Infection Control Africa Network Conference in 2014 (Harare-Zimbabwe) In addition ICAZ participated towards the introduction of the Post Graduate Diploma in Infection Prevention and Control at Bindura University of Science Education (First group graduated in November 2020). At National level the Association is the Deputy Secretariat to the National Infection Prevention and Control Committee and Co-Chair of the IPC Pilar within the Ministry’s COVID-19 Response activities. The Association is currently strengthening IPC systems within the MoHCC with funding from Resolve to Save Lives. The first phase was successfully completed in January 2021 and second phase is under implementation (March 2021 – January 2022).

The Association is a legal entity having registered as a Trust in 2014 and has a multi-disciplinary membership totalling 380 from across the country’s ten provinces.

Organise training programmes (conferences, workshops, lectures, discussion group meetings, continuous medical education days). The Association collaborates with other partners in commemorating health days.




Tabbieth Magwera

Ethiopian Infection Prevention and Control Association

Molla Godif Fisehatsion

History of society, e.g. when formed, number of members, work completed]. The society was formed in November 2021. The association has about 100 HCWs as formal member (those who paid registered as formal member. The association conducted a publication workshop with government stakeholders and partners like WHO,CDC,ICAP etc.

  • Provide IPC Trainings to Healthcare workers
    Provide accreditation to institutions that Can
  • Provide IPC Training
  • Conduct IPC Conferences and seminars
  • Provide IPC Technical advice and consultation to MOH
  • Work collaboratively with IPC/WASH partners
  • Promote IPC throughout the Healthcare system of the Country
  • Serve as the biggest IPC network and communication in the Country
  • Others

Ethiopian Environmental Health Professionals Association

Prof. Argaw Ambelu

The Ethiopian Environmental Health Professionals Association (EEHPA) is a non-profit professional society licensed by the Ethiopian Charities and civil society’s agency in 2011, where main aim is provision different services to the profession and professionals. 

The association currently has over 600 active members and encompasses thousands of practitioners, academicians, researchers, and interested groups in all regions and cities in Ethiopia. EEHPA is determined to provide technical and professional support to the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders in their effort to combat communicable diseases by conducting evidence-based research and develop state of the art technologies and strategies for public health; build the capacity of professionals in the service sector; collaborate with sister organization to develop synergy for a better public health service and provide consultancy service to stakeholders. 

EEHPA so far has demonstrated reliable partnership by successfully implementing projects and has ample experience working with different International and national partners, civil Societies, and Governmental organizations like; 

  • Infection control African network (ICAN) phase one project: on capacity Building on Monitoring and Evaluation in IPC/WASH and Covid-19 Management at Primary Health Facilities in Ethiopia
  • Infection control African network (ICAN)  phase two project: on capacity Building on Monitoring and Evaluation in IPC/WASH and Covid-19 Management at Primary Health Facilities in Ethiopia
  • Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) on Covid-19  project: on enhancing the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic through innovation and capacity building in IPC at isolation and treatment centers in Ethiopia
  • FMOH CRC project: on Develop Motivated, Competent and Compassionate & Caring Health Workforce, which is an ongoing project to be started soon
  • WSSCC research project 
  • Closely working with SNV, Water Aid, World Vision, and Save the Children Ministry of Health and professional associations like EMA.

Organizationally, EHPA has 10 (ten) regional chapters in throughout the country that are working closely with local governments in addressing various public health issues.

The Ethiopian Environmental Health Professionals Association (EEHPA) is a non-profit professional society where main aim is provision different services to the profession and professionals. EEHPA is determined to provide technical and professional support to the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders in their effort to combat communicable diseases by conducting evidence-based research and develop state of the art technologies and strategies for public health; build the capacity of professionals in the service sector; collaborate with sister organization to develop synergy for a better public health service and provide consultancy service to stakeholders.

In general, EEHPA has been actively engaged in:

  • Has collaborative work with 13 (thirteen) University on Environmental Health professional training standardization.
  • capacity building in infection prevention and control; 
  • monitoring and evaluation of Environmental health related activities and projects; 
  • policy and strategy development in water and sanitation sector; 
  • conduct different trainings; 
  • leading research activities with junior researchers to build their capacity 
  • conducting consultative meetings, workshops and annual scientific conferences 

Capacity building plate form through  different medias which professionals exchange experience like website, face book, telegram and others.

Address: Addis Ababa, In front of Signal Mall , Levi building 2nd floor, room no-201 (on Awash bank Balderas branch building).
E-mail: ehpa.ethiopia@gmail.com
P.O.BOX: 110569,
Mobile: +251912718461, +251 911826218
Website: info@eehpa.org


 The Egyptian Society for Infection Control

Prof. Ossama Rasslan

ESIC’s purpose is to improve health by serving the needs and aims common to all disciplines that are united by infection control and epidemiology activities. 

  • To promote a culture of infection control in the community

  • To participate with stakeholders in preparing medical staff capable of implementing and monitoring infection control programs in health facilities

  • To enhance networking regionally and globally to achieve patient safety and ensure the quality of health services.

Sierra Leone Infection Prevention Society (SLIPS)

Rtd. Colonel Annie Paris

The society was formed as a result of the effect of the Ebola outbreak and its impact on the country and the health staff specifically as several healthcare workers became infected and died. Members of the infection prevention and control programme and other health staff came together in 2019 and organise themselves through meetings held and later agreed to form the society with the aim to support government and partners in infection prevention control across the country including public and private institutions. The society was launched on the 23rd August 2019. With the advent of Covid 19, the society has not been able to do much as a result of restrictions. However, few healthcare facilities and schools were visited and members were sensitised on infection prevention and control measures.
Since the society is new, we currently have 103 active members with a potential to increase once fully become operational.

The roles of the society includes:

  • To build a network of infection control professionals working towards quality healthcare in Sierra Leone
  • To organize training programs (conferences, workshops, lectures and congresses) to improve the quality on infection control in all disciplines.
  • To assist in formulating recommendations, guidelines or standards by consensus working groups;
  • To encourage research into infection control in collaboration with government and non-governmental and international organizations and provide a forum for the presentation of results
  • To collaborate and work with government and non-governmental organizations on investigations and outbreaks of emerging pathogens.
  • To promote effective infection control policies in healthcare settings (public, private, faith based, and companies)
  • To encourage exchange of information and ideas on infection control in Sierra Leone as well as maintain links with other Infection control associations/societies.
  • To act as resource for government, academia and other policy makers using evidence based guidelines.
  • To promote accreditation process that will lead to improved health care and best practices
  • To promote effective infection control measures in communities

14 Thomas Street, by Dundas Street, Freetown.

 Tanzania Wash And IPC Network

Prof. Hamisi Masanja Malebo

Society was established in 2017 as an outcome of a regional workshop on IPC/WASH conference championed by ICAN. Tanzania committed as a country to establish a national platform to unite IPC professionals. National leadership was installed with an executive committee of 6 people. The network has continued to work in providing information and linkage among IPC/WASH practitioners and act as a link person.

TWAIN is processing society registration through the Ministry of Health Community Development Gender Elderly and Children.

After organizing the 2017 IPC/WASH workshop, TWAIN has coordinated at least two international training sessions working in collaboration with WATER AID Tanzania and the Ministry of Health. TWAIN continues to forge a number of collaborations for training and interventions such hospital cleaning and Surveillance programs for Healthcare Acquired and broader Infections on IPC/WASH in Tanzania in collaboration with stakeholders.

Last year a representative from TWAIN made a case for the Government to develop guidelines for Environmental Cleaning and an integral part of IPC- WASH. The government has is currently developing a national guideline on hospital cleaning.

Advocate for WASH and IPC at government levels, coordinate IPC and WASH training, research, and knowledge management programs. Continue to work with and alongside ICAN to promote WASH/IPC at large.

Expertise Congolaise pour la Prévention et le Contrôle des Infections

Congolese Expertise for the Prevention and Control of Infections

Prof Bulabula Ali M

History of society
The members of the current society called Congolese Expertise for the Prevention and Control of Infections, ECPCI in acronym, were members of ICAN.

These members contributed in the field research in the Democratic Republic of Congo, during the “Monitoring & Evaluation of Covid-19” project, funded by RESOLVE / ICAN, in these two phases, the first and the second year (2020 and 2021 ).
Three communications on the results of this study were made in the Webinars organized by African CDC (ACDC) / ICAN / WHO, in the French version and whose titles are: 1. Lessons learned from the field during this study 2. Monitoring & Evaluation of IPC during Covid-19: about the experience lived in the Rural Health Zone of Nyantende Sud-Kivu. 3. Monitoring & Evaluation of Covid-19 in 50 Health Centers.
ECPCI, our organization was created on January 18, 2021.
With ICAN, ECPCI is a member of the ECHO movement and the official launch of activities took place on November 18, 2022.
Prof Bulabula presented several topics in the IPC Webinars organized by ICAN/ACDC/WHO, in the French version. Prof. Bulabula has twice been a facilitator on behalf of ICAN in workshops organized by ACDC/ICAN, including that of Abidjan in the Ivory Coast. Prof Bulabula was invited as Faculty to the 8th ICAN Congress in Cape Town.

Prof BULABULA Ali M, MD, PhD, Chair person
Aganze Mitima, MD, vice President
Abdala Kingwengwe, MD, Executive Secretary
CIshagala Fazila Lilliane, MD, Advisor
Mulongo Mbarambara Philemon, RN, Advisor
Mwarabu M. Bushiri Matthias , RN
Mbayo Mafinge Nicole, MD
Tezangi Mazakala Pascal, Igr
Fikiri Bavure Rodrigues, MD, Coordinator
Burhama olame Evangélie Rose, MD
Bahizire Riziki Richard, PhD

What the society does, e.g. education, hold conferences, provide a professional contact network ecpcirdc@gmail.com

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