
These documents from WHO, ICAN, NDP, CDC and other sources provide guidance on various topics on IPC practices, prevention, and procedure.




Here are documents on Hand hygiene.

Disinfections of humans - position statement

Hand hygiene for all

Hand hygiene for all PP

CDC ICAN Best Practices in Environmental Cleaning

World Health Organization

These documents from WHO provide guidance on various topics on IPC practices and procedure, prevention and reduction of surgical site infection (SSS), implementation of core components of infection prevention and control programmes and others.

IPC measure for acute respiratory disease in community settings

WASHFIT tool for facility improvement

WHO guideline on HH in healthcare facility

Natural ventilation in IPC for healthcare settings

IPC during care of suspected or confirmed novel coronavirus infections

Global list of antibiotic resistant bacteria new antibiotic development

WHO core components Nov 2016

WHO policy on TB in healthcare and community

CC implementation guideline

Handle antibiotics with Care

WHO CRE guidelines

CSSD for healthcare facility

WHO guidelines on tuberculosis IPC

Global guidelines on SSI

Healthcare without infections 2016

WHO respiratory infections

Guidelines on control of CRE infections in healthcare facilities

Center for Disease Control

This document seeks to provide a framework for thinking about implementation of antibiotic stewardship programs in such settings and the approach outlined here is based on expert opinion and experiences in implementing ASPs in the United States and globally. The document includes both national and facility-level activities, as the former are a critical complement to the activities that are undertaken in hospitals and other health care facilities.

Core elements of AMS programme in LMIC

CDC ICAN Best Practices in Environmental Cleaning

South African Department of Health

This document provides guidance regarding infection prevention and control in healthcare facilities with specific reference to COVID-19. It should be read in conjunction with the National Infection Prevention and Control Strategic Framework and the Practical Manual for the Implementation of the National Infection Prevention and Control Strategic Framework both released in March 2020.

Covid-19 IPC guideline version 1

AMS governance guidelines June 2017

National IPC strategic framework March 2020

Practical manual on national IPC strategic framework

British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

This book provides significantly expanded content and experience in relation to a broader antimicrobial stewardship context- for example, stewardship in specific populations, different countries as well as the role of different professions in stewardship to political and media engagement.

British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

International Society for Infectious Diseases

The field of infection prevention has grown in importance over the last 30 years. The science of infection prevention, like others, is in constant evolution. With the collaboration of international leaders and front-line practitioners from around the world, we summarize the most up to date principles, interventions, and strategies for maximizing the reduction of healthcare associated infections.

Guide to infection control in healthcare settings

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