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COVID-19 External Situation Report 10 June 2020

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak continues in the WHO African Region (with Algeria confirming the first case on 25 February 2020), with rising incidence cases and associated deaths. Since our last situation report on 3 June 2020 (External Situation Report 14), an additional 33 555 new confirmed COVID-19 cases (a 31% increase) were reported from 44 countries. During this period, six countries in the WHO African region observed the highest percentage increase in cases: Mauritania 98% (from 588 to 1 162 cases), Ethiopia 74% (from 1 344 to 2 336 cases), Central African Republic 73% (from 1 069 to 1 850 cases), South Sudan 62% (from 994 to 1 606 cases) and Zimbabwe 52% (from 206 to 314 cases). In the same reporting week, Malawi and Namibia reported clusters of cases that were identified in quarantine areas as nationals continue to return from neighbouring affected countries. Three new countries, Cabo Verde, Ethiopia and Uganda, joined the list of countries reporting health worker infections. The region has registered 18 643 new recoveries in this reporting period compared to 15 015 in our previous report.

Seychelles and Equatorial Guinea have reported zero new confirmed COVID-19 cases in the past 63 and 19 days, respectively. Although United Republic of Tanzania has no new confirmed cases in our database in the last 24 hours, there are no official reports indicating zero confirmed cases. Furthermore, Eritrea reported two new confirmed COVID-19 cases after 44 consecutive days of zero reporting. This was a couple who had their blood sample taken during the random community testing.

From 3 to 9 June 2020, an additional 698 new deaths (25% increase) were reported from 23 countries: South Africa (407), Algeria (57), Nigeria (51), Mauritania (35), Democratic Republic of the Congo (19), Ethiopia (18), Kenya (17), Mali (16), Cameroon (15), Ghana (10), South Sudan (10), Senegal (9), Chad (5), Côte d’Ivoire (5), Congo (4), Guinea-Bissau (4), Sierra Leone (4), Liberia (3), Madagascar (3), Zambia (3), Central African Republic (1), Benin (1) and Gabon (1).

As of 9 June 2020, the cumulative total of COVID-19 cases is 142 897, including 142 633 confirmed and 264 probable cases, reported across the 47 countries in the region. The probable cases have been reported from Sao Tome and Principe (219), Comoros (44) and Democratic Republic of the Congo (1). Atotal of 3 462 deaths have been reported in 42 countries, giving an overall case fatality ratio (CFR) of 2.4%. Five countries have not registered any COVID-19 related deaths since the beginning of the pandemic in the region: Eritrea, Seychelles, Lesotho, Namibia and Uganda.
Please click here to download the complete situation report (PDF).

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