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Democratic Republic of Congo Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak – WHO Situation Report 4th July 2018

The Ministry of Health and WHO continue to closely monitor the outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. On 27 June 2018, all the people who were exposed to the last confirmed EVD case-patient completed their mandatory 21-day follow up without developing symptoms. This is an important milestone. The last confirmed EVD case in Equateur Province was cured and discharged from the Ebola treatment centre (ETC), following two negative tests on serial laboratory specimens, on 12 June 2018. The response is now focused on intensive surveillance, including active case finding and investigation of suspected cases and alerts.

Since our last report on 26 June 2018 (External Situation report 13), 13 suspected EVD cases were reported in Bikoro (10), Iboko (2) and Wangata (1) health zones. Of the 13 suspected cases, 11 tested negative, while two suspected cases reported on 30 June 2018 are awaiting collection of the second specimens for a repeat test after the first specimens tested negative.

Since the beginning of the outbreak (on 4 April 2018), a total of 55 EVD cases and 29 deaths have been reported, as of 1 July 2018. Of the 55 cases, 38 have been laboratory confirmed, 15 were probable cases (deaths for which it was not possible to collect laboratory specimens for testing) and two were suspected cases. One community death that occurred on 20 May 2018 in Iboko Health Zone was retrospectively identified and reclassified as a probable case, increasing the number of probable cases from 14 to 15. Of the 53 confirmed and probable cases, 29 died, giving a case fatality rate of 54.7%. Twenty-eight (53%) confirmed and probable cases were from Iboko, followed by 21 (40%) from Bikoro and four (8%) from Wangata health zones. Five healthcare workers have been affected, with four confirmed cases and two deaths. A total 24 casepatients with confirmed EVD have been cured since the onset of the outbreak.

Please click here to download the complete situation report (PDF).

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