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ICAN Conference 2016 Oral and Poster Presentation Winners

Each conference ICAN takes time to recognise presenters and poster authors – 2016 winners are found below. The board would like to congratulate all presenters and authors who contributed to make 2016’s conference a success!


Oral Presentation Winners
1. Alex Elobu (Uganda) – Prevention of Surgical Site Infections in a low resource setting; experience in Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda
2. Hellen Wangai (Kenya) -Health Facilities Audit for Infection Prevention and Control Practices in Nyandarua County, Kenya
3. Adebola Olayinka (Nigeria)-Indiscriminate use of antimicrobials: A call for the implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programme

Poster Presentation Winners
1. Mohamed Shallouf (Libya) – Carbapenem Resistance Expressed by Gram-negative bacilli isolated from a cohort of Libyan patients
2. Sekai Lilian Rubaya (Zimbabwe) – Health Worker TB Screening Uptake at Mpilo Central Hospital, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
3. Habib Yakibu (Uganda) – Assessment of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (wash), and Infection, Prevention and Control Conditions in Six Healthcare Facilities in Western Uganda

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