News article

ICAN Congress – Abstracts submission extension – Sunday 18 March 2018

ICAN would like to hear more about IPC related research and the successful implementation/strengthening of IPC programmes in health facilities across the African Continent and invite you to present your research at the 7th ICAN conference to be held in Cape Town between 8-11 July 2018.
The abstracts will be published in the Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control (ARIC) journal and therefore the formatting will comply with the requirements of the journal.

In order to submit an Abstracts delegates are required to be a member of ICAN.  If not yet a member click here to become a member.

About the Abstracts
  • Abstracts will be submitted on line . No other type of submission will be accepted
  • Submit your abstract in English. Abstracts in other languages will not be accepted
  • The final deadline for submission of abstracts is Sunday 18 March 2018.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed by the ICAN Scientific Committee and may be selected for either oral or poster presentation depending on the quality and the scientific content of the abstract.
  • Notification of acceptance will be e-mailed to the main author, so please make sure your e mail address is clearly written)
  • Failure to register at the conference by the presenting author will automatically imply that the abstract will neither be included in the final programme nor will it be printed in ARIC.
  • The person who is to present the paper, either oral or as a poster, must be one of the authors and must be registered for the conference.
  • Mentorship will be given to support the authors for abstracts which are accepted for to ensure that the quality is of a standard for publication
Guidelines for abstracts

  • The abstracts will follow the publication guidelines from the Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control (ARIC) journal
  • All abstracts will be limited to 400 words excluding the title of the abstract, the authors and their affiliations and contact details
  • The abstract submitted must be original and must not have been published elsewhere

Two categories of abstracts may be submitted

1. Describing the results of IPC related research

2. Describing the successful implementation of IPC programmes

General Layout of the Abstract

Title: should be written in bold, sentence case with no full stop at the end and no underlining

Authors: First name, middle initial if required, surname with no full stop at the end, Underline the name of the corresponding author. Where authors are from a number of different institutions, the appropriate institution number from the affiliation list should be given as a superscript number immediately after each author’s name

Affiliations: Should include, department, institute, town, country. If authors have different affiliations these should be listed in order in a separate paragraph with the appropriate superscript number.

Text: Should be not more than 400 words, Ariel font size 11. Figures and tables should not be included in the abstract. Text should be single spaced, unjustified and should be structured according to the type of abstract submitted as described:

1. IPC related research

Background and objectives: A short introduction to why this piece of research was conducted and deemed necessary for African research

Methods: A short description of the essential aspects of the methodology. Include research methodology, population, site and methods and any statistical analysis package.

Results: briefly discuss the findings, with demographic distribution, specific aspects which lead to a conclusive result based on evidence. Present statistics if indicated

Conclusion: How will your findings improve IPC practices in your country, Africa and for other researchers? Will this work open up avenues for further research opportunities or links?

2. Implementation of IPC programmes

Background and challenges to implementation: Describe the geographical context/ location of your facility, the type of services offered and population served and the specific challenge(s) or issues faced in IPC programme development/strengthening.

Methods/Activity Describe how you initially assessed the IPC issues/challenge at your facility and detail the activities//interventions you introduced to address them. Describe the monitoring and evaluation methods used to assess the intervention(s) and the analyses to determine outputs/outcomes

Results: Describe the results of your interventions

Conclusions: What are the implication of the results presented on IPC programmes in other facilities and at national level, and summarise key recommendations.


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