ICAN Courses - On-line and face to face

Due to the COVID pandemic and uncertainty around on-site face to face meetings, training and assessment have successfully been moved to a virtual platform and it has proven to be successful. The transmission to a virtual training platform was effortless due to the existing infrastructure and prior experience in using the ECHO virtual platform for training. ICAN has proven to have the experience and infrastructure to use virtual platforms for training and assessment of knowledge assessments and has done it successfully in the past.

Various training courses are presented, addressing different training needs for various target groups. Training courses address different levels of knowledge.

ICAN has also now with new funding from RTSL embarked on developing a Self-paced learning course in IPC. Current project with RTSL- Development of own Self-paced Basic IPC course – using LearnWorld and Articulate platform.


      • Other training courses which ICAN is delivering on the virtual platform include:

      • Ebola and outbreak response Training on COVID-19Tuberculosis and Infection Prevention and Control

      • Train-the Trainer courses

      • Custom Made IPC training for the South African Department of Health

      • CSSD course

      • Weekly seminars on COVID-19 in collaboration with Africa CDC and Resolve To Save Lives (RTSL)

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