Dear Colleagues
It is my pleasure to update you on the latest information and resources for the 5 May 2018 global hand hygiene campaign.
Please disseminate it to your own stakeholders so that they can further cascade to health facilities to widen the campaign.
If you are able to cascade please include this wording (taken from the March newsletter)
“This years WHO 5 May hand hygiene campaign slogan is “it’s in your hands – prevent sepsis in health care”. It represents a joined-up approach to action by targeting a range of professionals, as well as patient advocacy groups, who can all play their part. At every level of the health system, infection prevention and control (IPC) measures, including hand hygiene action, should be a marker of quality care – with individuals, both front-line and leaders, each deciding to take individual responsibility to ensure improvements in patient safety. WHO asks IPC leaders to take part and champion the dissemination of campaign messages and resources, with the aim of engaging all target audiences to ensure their commitment. By taking part and aiming to continue to improve hand hygiene, you will help prevent sepsis.”
Please find new 5 May resources here including 2018 campaign posters (one for a general advocacy and the other 5 for different target groups, highlighting the call to action to them which you can be placed around health facilities).
The map of health facility registrations has been updated and can be found here Please encourage more health facilities to sign up at
We have updated the advocacy slide set (English version) as a PDF here, please use some or all of this in any presentations you are giving as part of your campaign
You can find the campaign message in languages other than English through the links on this page
As part of your campaign communication strategies, please post information on your web pages. If you do, please let us know as WHO will feature your URL on its web pages as a thank you.
Lastly, please consider adding the 5 May hand hygiene campaign sign off to your email signature (see below)
Thank you for all that you do for the 5 May hand hygiene campaign and we will be in touch again next month.
Prof Benedetta Allegranzi, MD, DTM&H
Coordinator, Infection Prevention and Control Global Unit ( )