News article

South Sudan strategizes towards strengthening the health systems to improve the quality and coverage of immunization services

To improve immunization outcomes in South Sudan, the Ministry of Health with support from WHO and partners conducted an annual joint appraisal of the country’s immunization programme from 6 to 9 November 2018.

The Joint Appraisal is a multi-stakeholder review of the implementation of the progress and performance of Gavi’s vaccine and cash grant support,

The objective of the review was to show progress, identify challenges, highlight areas where greater national and partners’ investments and efforts are needed including technical support, required to improve immunization coverage and equity; the findings is important in informing Gavi’s decision on the renewal of its grants, and enable consideration of how to optimize its support to help improve immunization outcomes.

Vaccination is the main tool for primary prevention of disease and one of the most cost-effective public health measures available.

“We appreciate Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, other donors and partners who are supporting the immunization programme to prevent disease and save lives” said Dr Richard Lino Lako, Director General Policy, Planning, Research and Budgeting at the opening ceremony of the meeting. Despite the efforts that have made the country polio free, South Sudan continues to report outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases due to low vaccination coverage rates; hence we need to work in a transparent and collective way to improve the coverage of immunization, underscored Dr Lako.

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