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WHO Democratic Republic of the Congo – External Situation Report 6 November 2018

The Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri provinces, Democratic Republic of the Congo continues to be closely monitored by the Ministry of Health (MoH), WHO and partners. Since WHO’s last situation report issued on 30 October 2018 (External Situation Report 13) reporting on data as of 28 October, an additional 26 new confirmed EVD cases and 12 new deaths have been reported. Cases were reported from Beni (n=16), Butembo (n=6), Mabalako (n=2), Kalunguta (n=1) and Vuhovi (n=1) – a health zone between Beni and Butembo. The two cases reported in Mabalako are a mother and her new-born, residing and identified in Beni, who were transferred to the Mabalako Ebola treatment centre (ETC). Among the new confirmed cases from Beni were two nurses, thus bringing the number of affected health workers to 27, including 26 confirmed and three deaths. Among the 12 deaths reported, six occurred in ETCs and six occurred outside of ETCs (4 in Beni, 1 in Butembo, 1 in Vuhovi).

As of 4 November 2018, a total of 300 EVD cases, including 265 confirmed and 35 probable cases, have been reported. The cases have been reported from eight health zones in North Kivu Province and three health zones in Ituri Province. Among the 300 cases, 186 deaths have been reported among confirmed cases (n=151) and probable cases (n=35) – a case fatality ratio (CFR) of 62% (186/300). Among the 295 cases with known age and sex, 59% (n=175) were female, and adults aged 15-44 accounted for 59% (n=174) of cases.

Fifteen additional cases have recovered and been discharged this past week; 14 from Beni ETC and one from Butembo ETC. As of 4 November 2018, 88 cases have recovered. On 4 November 2018, 91 patients (61 suspected and 30 confirmed cases) remained hospitalized at the ETCs.

The MoH, WHO and partners are monitoring and investigating all alerts in affected areas, in other provinces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in neighbouring countries. Since the last report was published, alerts were investigated in several provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo as well as in South Sudan, Uganda and Yemen. To date, EVD has been ruled out in all alerts from neighbouring provinces and countries.

Please click here to download the complete situation report (PDF).

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