Webinars to get ready for World Hand Hygiene Day WHHD 2024! Each webinar will address a slightly different angle, culminating in the annual global webinar on May 6.

  • Warm up for WHHD by joining us for a webinar on 16 April, from 1:00–2:00 pm CET, for an overview of the 2024 WHHD campaign, proposed activities and getting engaged with the campaign! Register here.
  • Please also join us on 23 April, from 2:00–3:30 pm CET, for a special webinar on “My 5 Moments: The Game” – Revolutionizing Hand Hygiene Education, to mark the launch of this innovative digital game. Register here.
  • Save the date for the WHHD global webinar! To celebrate the day, WHO is organizing a global webinar on 6 May, from 2:00–3:30 pm CET, where we will discuss the value of IPC and hand hygiene education and training.

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